David M. Childress Akron Ohio Realtor, will work to ensure your purchase or sale stays on track and on time. You will receive outstanding customer service, my professional expertise and be offered other services that can help enhance your result – far beyond the transaction itself.
I Promise!

Associations for David M. Childress:

Akron Area Board of Realtors, AABOR.
National Association of Realtors, NAR.
Ohio Association of Realtors, OAR.
Northern Ohio MLS, CRIS.
Cleveland, Ohio MLS, NORMLS.
Real Estate Cyberspace Society. (Extensive Internet Training)
AOPA, Aircraft Operators & Pilots Association.

Educating Real Estate Agents On How To Use Modern Technologies To Better Their Business Will Never Be The Same!

On November 17th, 2009 dozens of the most respected educators in the real estate industry converge to host the first of its kind, Virtual Real Estate BarCamp.

Virtual Real Estate BarCamp is a 1-Day Learning Extravaganza.
From 9am until 4pm PST, three concurrent webinar “rooms” will each host 9 different sessions, for a total of 27 different presentations.
There is something for everyone and everything for someone, and best of all, IT IS FREE and attendance is unlimited!

Click below to:
Learn more.
See who is coming.
Check out the Session Calendar.
Get sponsorship info.

Attendance is projected to be at least 1000 agents, nationwide.
Do not miss out on being part of this ground-breaking event.

Session topics include:

  1. Social Media Risk Management
  2. Flickr for Real Estate
  3. Developing Your Brand
  4. Online Advertising Secrets
  5. Facebook for Real Estate
  6. WordPress Training
  7. Daily Goal Tracking
  8. Starting a Real Estate Blog

…and much more, with new sessions being added every day.

And if that wasn\’t cool enough, individuals from around the country are volunteering to host In-Real-Life MeetUps for after the event.
Learn all day, and then meet to have a beer with local participants. This is going to be a blast!

We hope to see you there!




I was reading our Real Living President, Barbara Reynolds, announcements and I wanted to share this with all my AR friends and future buyers. She states and I agree;

“I’m hearing that activity is up…..so sales should be up soon too because now is the best time to buy in 35 years! If you use print or Web marketing, use it to proclaim, “2008-the Best Year to Buy a Home in 35 Years!”
Here’s how to back up this claim: In April of 1973, mortgage rates were about the same as they are today. Since that time, mortgage rates were only this low during 2001 and 2002, the height of the seller’s markets where there was little inventory. In the last two major buyer’s markets, one in the early 1980s and the other in the early 1990s, the rates were much higher. When I started in the business in 1978, interest rates were at 9.75 percent, en route to 18 to 21 percent in 1980! In the early 1990s, the rates were hovering in the 11 to 12 percent range. Thus, today’s buyer’s market, with exceptionally low mortgage rates plus a substantial supply of inventory, is the best time in decades to purchase. So spread the news to your buyers and let’s make this a great April!”

I know it’s true, as I also bought my first home in 1985 and the best rate I could get (and my banker was my friend!) was 12.75%! I was glad to do it as we wanted our own home and that was the going rate everywhere. Little did I know how bad that rate was at the time. It makes the current market look like Christmas!

This year has been really bad for me, also, and I was looking everywhere for a job to supplement my almost non-existent real estate income. But, all of the sudden my phone is ringing off the hook (belt?). I had 7 listings and one sale last month and I am happy to report that I had two new and very nice sales today, as well as two new listings!

So for those in dire need of some good news, just hang in there. The bad news the media is reporting has to stop sometime. This is America and we always snap out of it.


I attribute my recent “luck” from not giving up and plugging away for hours a day on my own website, ActiveRain, RealBird, Trulia and Zillow to name a few. You see most of my new clients found me on the Internet! This is for real, Web 2.0, as they call it. I do not plan on giving up anytime soon and I urge those in distress to not give up either. Good Luck to Us All and God Speed.